The primary objectives of the Society shall be to promote and foster a collective community for the purposes of personal, social and intellectual growth.
The simplified version of the budget for the 2020 - 2021 academic year can be found below. As a member of the Carleton Science Student Society, you may request a full revision of the budget with the Vice President of Operations. To learn more about the financial matters of the Council, please refer to Section 6 of the Constitution.
Please do not hesitate to contact the VP Operations at if you have any questions, require clarification or wish to schedule a time to request a revision of the budget.
Motions are used in Society meetings as a tool to propose a change to CSSS policy and by-laws, to ratify elections and to propose specific initiatives to be voted on by the Council as a whole. Any student in the Faculty of Science can submit a motion.
Motions should be submitted to the VP Internal at least one week before any given meeting to be discussed at said meeting. To submit a motion, download the motion form by clicking the button below and email the completed form to