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From Humble Beginnings

Updated: Feb 5, 2021

Who doesn't love a good origin story? While we can't promise any radioactive spiders or Super Soldier Serum, we are certain that our story is a blockbuster in the making.

A single flickering flame illuminates the tired, worn faces of five men on the circumference of a deep mahogany round table. The flames bore the wrinkles that deeply set in their countenance. They ruminate, discuss, and squabble at times by candlelight. Brainstorming the name for a society ain’t easy work! The high mental energy being exchanged in the room is palpable.

For what shall the society be named? The Science Pupil Society? The Society of Science Scholars? The Carleton Scholarly Science Society? Much is to be determined if a league that allows scholars from different scientific disciplines to affiliate with one another shall be founded.

A single flickering flame illuminates the tired, worn faces of five men on the circumference of a deep mahogany round table. The flames bore the wrinkles that deeply set in their countenance.

The truth is, the origins of the Carleton Science Student Society (CSSS) are not so lofty and dramatic. They may have not even involved a select group of elderly men from the nteenth century who were tasked with the founding of such a society. In fact, Carleton’s Science Society was not founded long ago. Established in 2011, during a particularly wintery January, the Science Society was created with the intent of representing and connecting every student in the Faculty of Science. So, basically the opposite of the hypothetical scenario where five men, presumed to be intelligent and capable of founding a society for science scholars, gather by candlelight to debate the name and design of a society for science students.

This is our favourite time of the year. Classes are starting soon and the community is hustling and bustling. First years are excited to begin their lives at university, and interacting with them reminds us of the limitless potential we have here at Carleton. Carleton University is changing in front of everyone’s eyes!

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The Carleton Science Student Society is committed to serving and connecting all students in the Faculty of Science and aims to provide an inclusive environment for all.

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